Meeting rooms

Successful events in the meeting rooms at the Parkhotel Stader Hof near Hamburg.

VIP-Lounge Bremen and Hamburg
Meetingrooms Stade, Lübeck, Kiel, Hannover
Meetingroom "Kristalsaal"


Meeting rooms Area Ceiling
PAR U-shape Theatre Banquet
Bremen 31 m²   20 20 30 20
Hamburg 44 m²   20 20 30 20
Stade 34 m² 2,55 m 20 20 30 20
Kiel 42 m² 5,44 m 28 28 40 30
Lübeck 51 m² 5,44 m 32 30 50 40
Hannover 74 m² 5,44 m 45 36 65 50
Kristallsaal 225 m²   150 80 300 220

The restaurant "Theatro" can seat 120.
The layout of the Kristallsaal can be altered to create different spaces. (E.g. Hanover + Lübeck)

Booking enquiry



* conference technology (projector, screen, flip chart)
* morning coffee break including fruit and biscuits
* lunch (two-course meal with dish of your choice)
* afternoon coffee break including cake
* Personal support during your conference

€ 69 plus VAT per person, per day


* conference technology (projector, screen, flip chart)
* morning coffee break including fruit and biscuits,
   yoghurt and crudités, health and fruit juices
* lunch (two-course meal with dish of your choice)
* afternoon coffee break including cake,
  fruit salad and milk
* Personal support during your conference

€ 79 plus VAT per person, per day


* conference technology (projector, screen, flip chart)
* welcome coffee with buttered pretzels
* morning coffee break including fruit and biscuits,
   yoghurt and crudités, health and fruit juices
* lunch (two-course meal with dish of your choice)
   includes 0,2 l soft drink
* afternoon coffee break with cake, fruit salad and milk
* Personal support during your conference

€ 89 plus VAT per person, per day

Room Rentals

€ 250.00 to € 399.00 plus VAT per day and per room

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